Hey. I just had a friend ask me my thoughts on Ray Comfort's Evolution vs God video that's recently come out. Since I typed a whole big thing up, I figured it works as a blog post too.
Here's the video:
Evolution vs God
Here's my response:
That's not how "observation" works in science: there's a LOT of stuff we don't see with our eyes that we consider a scientific "observation." Observation is NOT the same thing as "seeing." We base a lot of science on observed cause-and-effect.
For example, take our knowledge of the spectrum of sound. We know that there are sounds that animals can hear, but we can't. We know this because we can see an animal react, and we can measure it via tools. We don't "see" it, but we're "observing" it.
Ray also doesn't realize he's being given the evidence he's looking for. They're telling him about the finches, the fish that evolve. The point is that, given enough time, speciation (creating of a new "kind") happens over millions and millions of years. It's a gradual process that scientists use to account for all the variety of animals we see in the world today. If you breed 2 types of dogs, they'll eventually keep producing new types of dogs (shorter legs. different shaped heads. etc). Expand that over time, and you'll eventually see a different subtype of dog. Keep that process going over millions of years, then their descendants get all mixed up and some of them become a different type of animal altogether.
OK, since we've established that we can't "see" macroevolution (nobody says that we can), we just go to the fossil record. And the fossil record is incredibly supportive of the theory of macroevolution. (see my first link below).
He also uses very dishonest tactics. He selectively edits people's responses to make his own seem legitimate. They often don't have anything to do with making his point (which is that macro-evolution doesn't happen. that's his point, i think), and resorts to making people look like they don't know what they're talking about. That implies that because these people don't know what they're talking about, that there's actually no evidence for evolution. This is wrong. This is Michael Moore type of stuff. He's going for "GOTCHA!"s more than anything else.
Here's scientific evidence of evolution. This site is run by Christians:
And here's a bunch of questions that they tackle, both scientific and theological :
Infact, Biologos.org is just a good site to go to for evolution/Christianity stuff in general.
And here's something that we, as Protestant Christians, should ask ourselves: If the Jews, Catholics, and Greek Orthodox can accept evolution, why is it we can say the fundamentalist interpretation of Scripture is better than theirs?
God can create the world however He wants. With all observable data, it looks like it was through evolution.
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