Hi guys. I'm just a regular dude exploring Christianity. It's been a journey, and somewhere along the line, I realized I just wanted to keep track of all the great stuff I come across. I wanted to organize it so I could refer back to it all... so in actuality, this blog might be more for myself than anything else. HOWEVER, I do believe that a lot of the stuff I come across is really really frickin good, and I wish more people knew about it! So hopefully, whoever is reading this eventually gets as much out of this as I do. Cool? Cool.
I think, in general, I'll just be posting stuff I come across, and if I feel my input would help, I'll add my thoughts as well. Sadly, I don't quite think I'm too eloquent, so if I don't feel I can add much valuable input, I'll probably just keep my trap shut. We'll see, I guess.
Small warning: I might post stuff that won't seem exactly Christian... Good. I don't really want a blog filled with your textbook Christian cliches. I'm aiming to not hold anything back. I believe any atheists who happen to stumble across this blog would appreciate that. And ultimately, in the eyes of other Christians, some of the stuff I put here will challenge their concept of Christianity (I hope it does! It's a faith worth exploring), or I may have simply strayed into heresy. Either way, I don't mind too much... I ultimately am pretty confident in my relationship with Jesus Christ. I get my life and value and worth from a relationship, not from correct theological beliefs. But of course, any Christian brothers/sisters reading can point out anything if they'd like (act as a heresy-check), and I'd love feedback.
Here goes.
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