Tuesday, March 4, 2014

My true identity


This one hit me hard.

"Christian spirituality is not about learning a new set of rules to make God happy. That's the way of religion. It's a state of being and becoming that allows us to do whatever we want, because what we want is being shaped by the life and love of God. Christian spirituality says: 'Actually, just do whatever you want, but, slow down enough to ask, what do I really want?'" - Bruxy Cavey

- God is love.
- We're made in the image of God.
- Our true selves are the imagebearers of God. We're currently broken imagebearers, but our true identity is the reflection of God, not of the sin that we're entrapped in.

Then, 1 Corinthians 13 is not only a description of what God is, but it is a description of who I really am.

I am patient.
I am kind.
I do not envy.
I do not boast.
I am not arrogant.
I am not rude.
I do not insist on my own way.
I am not irritable.
I am not resentful.
I do not rejoice in wrongdoing.
I rejoice in truth.
I bear all things.
I believe all things.
I hope all things.
I endure all things.

I need to constantly remind myself of my true identity, not the false identity that the world tries to get me to buy in to.